My Story

Hello! My name is Cheyne, pronounced Shane, Hanoski. I have been immersed in photography for six years, living and breathing the art form. I initially started with the challenging task of photographing CrossFit, which required capturing high-speed photos in low-light situations. This experience gave me a strong foundation in photography fundamentals and kickstarted my love for the art form. 

For the past three years, I served in the US Army as part of their Public Affairs Office, which involved photography, videography, and graphic design. I traveled extensively throughout the US, capturing photos at high-profile events and celebrity visits. My work appears numerous times on the United States Department of Defense website for various photos, including their 2022 "Year in Photos" album, amongst other publications. I also expanded my photography skills to include professional headshots for soldiers and family photos for various service members.

How did I go from the military to taking dance photos? Great question! While in the Army, I had the privilege of working and learning from renowned dance photographer Ashkan Roayaee, igniting a passion for dance photography. I volunteered at the Pas de Deux dance photography conference for two years, solidifying my love for creating beautiful images with dancers and learning from some of the best minds in the industry. After completing my military service, I had the opportunity to intern with Ron McKinney, a leading name in dance photography, who agreed to be my mentor. I have since launched my photography business, which focuses primarily on dance photography, but also includes professional headshots, family photos, and animal portraits.

Have any questions for me? Feel free to contact me below!